About Me

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Usually when I write my "About me" it always starts off with : I'm a wife and mother of 3. Well... this time I'll try to talk About ME. I am a free-spirited woman that loves to spend time with family and friends. I love seeking new opportunities to make money using my creative talents. I love music and writing.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Undercovers" Under the Covers

It has become a weekly thing for my husband, Dwimoh and I to curl up to watch Undercovers.  I was allured to this show by the magical smile of Boris Kudjoe and I am sure Dwimoh gets a cavity watching his on-screen wife, Gugu Mbathu-Raw.  Interesting name to say the least.  It inspired me to look her up.  She was born in Oxford, England.  Well... there isn't much to read about her.  So... anyway.  This show has left so much to be desired.  I'm thinking I'm gonna see some Mr. & Mrs. Smith action, with prime time TV censorship.  Ha!  This is more like Brown Sugar with a gun and some high-tech CIA gadgets.  The drama totally outweighs the action here.

And what is with the annoying as ever, nerdy sidekick that spends 25% of his on-screen shots brown-nosing on Boris?  This guy looks and acts like that Physics club geek, fresh out of high school, and just lost his virginity behind the curtain at a Star Trek convention.   And don't let me start on Leo...  the dude that obviously used to bang Samantha.  The first 3 episodes, I think I heard him say "I used to sex your wife" about 42 times. 

And a piece of advice to the producers... please either get on with telling fans what is the real reason for these two agents being brought back as agents or let it go.  Anyone watching even one episode knows that there are arterior motives behind their reincarnation.  We are patiently waiting.  :)

Now that I got that off of my chest, I must say it is nice to see a black couple on screen that actually gives a damn about each other and aren't entertaining us with buffoonery or disrespect.  The sincerity is somewhat believable and their willing to compromise is notable.  As much as I complain about the poor substance of this show, I have yet to delete the series from my DVR.  I have high hopes for my Boris, but I don't see me looking for him again next fall.

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