About Me

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Usually when I write my "About me" it always starts off with : I'm a wife and mother of 3. Well... this time I'll try to talk About ME. I am a free-spirited woman that loves to spend time with family and friends. I love seeking new opportunities to make money using my creative talents. I love music and writing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thank God for Small Miracles

Thankfully my day has turned around.  I feel much better today than I did the past two days.  I was very productive at work today and I received an additional writing gig with Examiner.  I'll be writing on Baltimore Budget Events and Harrisburg Budget Travel.  So, I'm looking forward to that.  I was able to help out a friend with grant she's writing.  I gotta make sure she get this thing done.  She isn't motivated and school isn't free. 

Off to the homefront I go.  I left the kids with a chore list this morning.  It better be done.  I told my kids that this year, instead of expecting a bunch of gifts for Christmas, they needed to earn money to buy gifts for others.  I'm not a holiday person, but I know my husband's family is and they receive plenty.  So, I want them to understand that life is about giving and not receiving.  I give them assignments to complete every two days.  They have TWO days to get it done for payment.  After two days, they lose the ability to earn and it has to be done before I get home.  In one week, they have earn $2 from doing one job.  What is wrong with my lazy kids???  They better get it together.  I remember looking for jobs and ways to earn money and these kids get opportunities handed to them and they let it go to waste.  Them lips are gonna be poked out Christmas morning when they look under the tree and see nothing but a bunch of pine needles.  And while they are looking in amazement, they might as well vacuum them up and call it a day.

My little man has been fussy for almost two weeks now.  I'm hoping he is having a better night so I can get some sleep.  I have movie date with the man, if we can get the house to bed fast enough.  My fingers are crossed.  I need some adult time bad.  All in all, today was wonderful.  I am hoping I have found my niche with writing.  Lord knows I need something more rewarding than what I am doing now. 

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