About Me

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Usually when I write my "About me" it always starts off with : I'm a wife and mother of 3. Well... this time I'll try to talk About ME. I am a free-spirited woman that loves to spend time with family and friends. I love seeking new opportunities to make money using my creative talents. I love music and writing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

They Tried to Make Me Go To Rehab...

For the past year, I have prided myself on not depending on commercial drugs and harmful substances for health and healing.  However, August of this year, a bulging disc in my back and degenerative joint disease in my hips sent me to an Orthpaedic Specialist.  A visit I'd put off for over a year.  I found out about my issues from an MRI I'd had in 2008, which also showed a "fluid filled sac", which turned out to be my babycakes growing inside of me.  That meant my quest for relief would have to be put on hold. 

My visit to this specialist resulted in cortisone shots in my hips and a prescription for Tramadol (pain killer).  I hate traditional medicine, but I have yet to find a natural cure for a bone and joint issue.  So, I succumbed.   Tramadol worked like a charm.  I was able to shop, work out, and more importantly sleep at night next to my husband instead of the couch.  I was in heaven.

Tramadol works so well because of its ability to increase seratonin and its norepinephrine reuptake affect.  In layman terms, it makes you feel like you're on cloud 9.  Even if you find out your only dog died or you just got fired from your job.  Pure bliss.  Well, for me this was just a bonus effect.  I am currently treating myself  with 5-htp and Vitamin B Complex for Dysthymia, so every little bit helps.  It also increases libido, so my baby has enjoyed the effects as well.  I have been on easy street... until I googled it.  Why did I do that?

Tramadol has been compared to heroine.  And that scared the begeebees out of me.  So, I said "aw hell no!  I'll take something else instead" and I stopped.  And crashed.  Today is Day 2 of my No Tramadol resolution.  My last dose was Wednesday night, 50mg.  Thursday was a hard day for me.  Restless to say the least.  I paced at work.  Ate candy because my mouth had to be moving and felt like I was on speed.  Thursday night was hell.  I tossed all night and slept all day.  I was super congested and felt like the flu was a life threatening illness.  Unfortunately, I gave in tonight and had a dose of 100mg and decided I can't send myself and my family through what withdrawal takes a person through and will continue until I can formulate a withdrawal plan.  Thus far, I know I need an anti-anxiety medication for a calming effect.  I have that on hand.  I will also need cold meds that include Dextromethorphan to counteract the norepinephrine reutpake effect.  And Valerian Root for sleep. 

This has been an experience and a half.  I have just come to grips with the fact that I truly am addicted, or should I say psychologically and physically dependent on this drug.  And although I am not ready nor strong enough to quit cold turkey, I do know that when I emerge from this bondage, I will stick to my guns of natural medicine.  Doctors, FDA and drug companies are legal Kavorkians.  But, I'm not ready to pull the string. 

If you are ever prescribed Tramadol or Ultram (brand name), do yourself a favor and take a Tylenol instead.


  1. Wow Ty I take Tramadol but it doesnt really work! But when it comes to my hip pain and migraines I am a junkie...to ssay the least. Nothing is enough. But Valerian root to sleep and lavender to calm you down. Although Im a junkie you know my mother is a naturalist so of course so am I. I only do meds when Im in Iraq really cause its just easier.

  2. Try 5-htp for the migraines. I take that on the days I do not take the Tramadol and I read that it works great for migraines, especially for children because it is safe for even them. I tried Valerian Root and it was a rough sleep, if that makes sense. It made me drop instead of drift. Do you waft the lavender oil? I think I need to talk to your mom for some direction because I'm trying to stay as natural as possible these days.
