About Me

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Usually when I write my "About me" it always starts off with : I'm a wife and mother of 3. Well... this time I'll try to talk About ME. I am a free-spirited woman that loves to spend time with family and friends. I love seeking new opportunities to make money using my creative talents. I love music and writing.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Secret that is changing my life...

About a month ago, I read a Facebook post from a friend that was enjoying the benefits of meditation.  I was intrigued because when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I read that mediation can be a beneficial treatment for the symptomatic depression and pain.  However, I found mediation to be a very difficult task.  She put me on to a documentary called: The Secret.  I watch this eye opening movie once a week and try to evaluate where my thinking lies at that point.  More like a check to make sure I'm headed in the right direction.

Two weeks ago while at the hair salon, I met a Buddhist that touched on the fact that the concepts discussed in the Secret were Buddhist principles.  Of course, this led to more reading.  I am attending my first Sangha Sunday morning and can't wait to experience it.

Today, I spoke with a friend that is beginning her 31 Day Transformation and has created her vision boards.  I am in the process of putting my vision boards together now.  I am reaching for the goal of family and financial stability and personal happiness.  I am being led along a path that has me so excited!  Today is Day One of my journey.  I hope you stick along for the ride and hopefully I can inspire someone else to begin taking total charge of their own universe!!

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