About Me

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Usually when I write my "About me" it always starts off with : I'm a wife and mother of 3. Well... this time I'll try to talk About ME. I am a free-spirited woman that loves to spend time with family and friends. I love seeking new opportunities to make money using my creative talents. I love music and writing.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Colors

To began on a different key, one that I hadn't visited for quite some time.  I was able to meditate in silence for about 10 minutes before starting my day, said my thank you's and acknowledged my blessings.  Amen.

Then the day began.  Remaining focused and positive was the key.  And for the most part, it went well with a few valleys in between.  But nothing a few affirmations couldn't assist with.  And now the evening is here.  I swear I think some days I suffer from Sundowners.  My kids are driving me crazy.  They are about to go outside sledding in the dark.  Good thing they are dark-skinned.  I'd have no problem seeing them on white snow.  

God heard my inner conversation because shortly after my "mini mama breakdown", hubby came in and had the kids laughing until they had to go to bed.  It's not often he gets silly with them, but it was so nice to hear my family happy.  I'm grateful for them.  The universe knows what we need when we need it.

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