About Me

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Usually when I write my "About me" it always starts off with : I'm a wife and mother of 3. Well... this time I'll try to talk About ME. I am a free-spirited woman that loves to spend time with family and friends. I love seeking new opportunities to make money using my creative talents. I love music and writing.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Water Fast - Day 1 and 2

Ok, so I made the commitment to do my first "water" fast.  I've done master cleanses and eaten raw and vegan in the past, but never just water.  I have decided to incorporate herbal teas and some tablespoons of coconut oil throughout the day for some additional liver cleansing.

Why the hell am I doing this?
(This is gonna get personal, so if you will be freaked out, there is a button in the top right corner of the screen with an X on it so, you may wanna push it now)
Well, I made this decision because I noticed that since I started working 12 hour shifts, I only had time to eat one real meal a day.  And I had to inhale those.  After 9 months of this, I have gotten to the point where even after all day, I have very little appetite.  I find myself eating dinner only on my days off and that's only because the family is eating.  In May 2013, my face broke out really bad.  Freaked me out.  It was a mess.  I'd never looked so bad.  I thought it was the Baltimore smog, maybe the heat.  Who knows, so I upped my water intake.  Didn't clear up one bit.

I was taking a medication that caused constipation.  That lasted about 3 months.  I stopped taking those pills, but still couldn't get my regularity back.  I was also on high doses of hypertension meds.  Not cool.  I stopped them about 2 months ago just because I know I can make changes on my own.  Then, my menstrual cycle went missing after the one I had in October.  Talk about bloated!! OMG! I drink on average 128oz of water a day.  So, I thought maybe I was retaining due to lack of period.  I tried Diurex, but it didn't help at all.  I tried decreasing my water intake, but that just made me feel dehydrated and dried out my skin.  Finally my cycle started last week, but very heavy and abnormal with clotting.  The size and frequency has me bugged out.  But, I have had all of the diagnositic tests that a doctor can do.  No tumors.  No clotting factor deficiencies.  So... here I am.  Fasting to get back to ground zero and let my body do what it does best.  Heal.

DAY 1:
I began my day with telling friends and family (accountability), meditation and a salt water flush with decent, not ideal results.  And the water began.  My baby boy spent the night with Grandma, thank the Lord, because by 2pm, I was done.  I slept until about 5:30pm.  I drank as much water as I wanted it.  I don't want to over drink for the sake of hunger.  I am drinking when my mouth feels thirsty.  I also drank quite a few cups of Liver & Kidney Detox tea by Yogi teas, which I added a tablespoon of coconut oil to.  I have been taking NSAIDs on a regular basis so I really want to give my liver a hug this time.

By 5pm, my breath was ready to knock me out, so I began the Peppermint tea.  I did notice I was quite cranky.  Short and snappy. As far as my cycle goes, it remains unchanged, flow is just a little heavier than it was.  No cramping at all.  Thank goodness for that.  I 'd probably be miserable.  Yesterday evening I did have a slight headache, but I have headaches daily, so I'm pushing through them with no problem.  I was very cold though.  I am usually the one with the ceiling fan on.  No dizziness on Day 1.  At 1:40am, I wanted to eat so bad, but I focused on some work and fell asleep with no problem.

Lesson of the day: Don't plan anything on Day 1.  And be very prepared mentally.  Find low key activities to engage in and get lots of rest!!

DAY 2:
This morning, I was in a much better mood.  I have an agenda, and I have been getting things done just fine.  My head hurts more today though.  My pulse has been lower! Today it was 79.  I run around 90-100.  That is a welcome change!  My heart doesn't palpitate nor beat as strong as it did.  My breath still smells.  That I don't like.  I try to be very breath conscious, so I subscribe to Polar Ice Eclipse gum.  But, I've cut the gum out.  Relying on the tea.  Not working well.  And if I brush my teeth and tongue any more, I won't be able to chew or swallow when this is all over.

My son asked to go to Chick Fil a to the playground this afternoon.  Why o why?  The smell made me wanna lick my fingers!  But, we went straight to the jungle gym and he took his lunch HOME!!  I survived.  My saline flush wasn't so productive today as well.  Gonna give it one more day before I add Senna tea to my evening routine.  I'm starting my tea regimen with Peppermint tea and reading.  Head is still banging though.  My initial goal was 10 days, however, I have decided to listen to my body.  Pay attention to the stages of change and when hunger returns, I'll break the fast and resume a normal, healthy diet.  I just can't wait to get out of, "Damn! I'm starving" mode.  I am down 3 lbs today.  The weight loss is a very nice temporary side effect and serves as a lot of motivation.  Because I swear before I got on the scale this morning, I was feeling hopeless and hungry.  But to be down from 210 to 207 in a matter of hours... yeah, I can hang on a little longer.  

This evening was not so great.  My headache was paralyzing and the hunger was annoying.  I started to get bored with the teas.  I am going to bed and sleep off my pain. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Colors

To began on a different key, one that I hadn't visited for quite some time.  I was able to meditate in silence for about 10 minutes before starting my day, said my thank you's and acknowledged my blessings.  Amen.

Then the day began.  Remaining focused and positive was the key.  And for the most part, it went well with a few valleys in between.  But nothing a few affirmations couldn't assist with.  And now the evening is here.  I swear I think some days I suffer from Sundowners.  My kids are driving me crazy.  They are about to go outside sledding in the dark.  Good thing they are dark-skinned.  I'd have no problem seeing them on white snow.  

God heard my inner conversation because shortly after my "mini mama breakdown", hubby came in and had the kids laughing until they had to go to bed.  It's not often he gets silly with them, but it was so nice to hear my family happy.  I'm grateful for them.  The universe knows what we need when we need it.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Troubled Teens

This has really become a cliche term.  Troubled teens become unstable adults.  And I've been there.  Sometimes still am.  I am not one who watches news because, in my opinion, none of it is news.  Just media advertisement and propaganda.  But, what do we feed into our children on a daily basis?  When we wake up in the morning to thank God for the chance to enjoy a new day, do we grab our children and thank Him together?  When we stand in the mirror and repeat our positive daily affirmations, have we taught our kids to do the same before they leave for school?

Grab a kid.  Give them a hug.  And teach them to speak love into their hearts.